Friday, June 15, 2007


"...But refusing to be obsessed by form, I realize that I have become obsessed with strategy..." Jean Nouvel, Any-thing

Strategy: a word coming from the cosmos of military, just like the word avant-garde. Reminds me the manifestation of architecture through Lebbeus Woods quotation: "Architecture is war" (The end of architecture?> Vienna Conference 1992). "Strategy" indeed has a lasting effect upon the architectural procedure. Through the "lenses" of this word's signification architectural culture over time&space is freed from styles, ideological, aesthetical, historical preoccupations. The successfulness of a piece of architecture has always been related with "strategies" and "solutions", since ancient times and to contemporary ones. Agreed on that, should then begin to realize that actually there are on -isms and -asms dividing history, but solely different answers of the same question, having the context changed and disguised through manifestos and movements...